The Truth Shall Set You Free
I'm a huge fan of reality television. And I don't consider it a "guilty pleasure", nor am I ashamed to admit that I watch it. Although, when I think about it, nowadays, reality television is becoming more of an oxymoron since they are practically scripted, but I find all the drama and build up to be too captivating to avoid, like passing a car wreck on the highway, you just have to slow down and look.
I can remember when it all started. I was 12 I think, when the very first The Real World debuted on MTV. Now that was reality television - - even for the producers and camera men, they didn't even really know how to manipulate their cast yet! Fast-forward to the Las Vegas season when they stripped the "7 strangers living in a house together" of a television, installed a jacuzzi, and all but spoon-fed them alcohol 24/7, "and folks, we've got ourselves a show," they said to themselves. Now, the Music Television station has pretty much been converted to a reality show cable channel because I can't remember the last time I saw an actual video on MTV.Anyways, I could go on and on about how, with the advent of the internet, the whole idea of reality television, and this warped and addicting sense of voyeurism has taken over the world, and has literally, right before our very eyes, actually changed the way we live, the way the world works, the way everything was, like evolution occurring at warp speed. The magnitude of its power, to think about it, is just too much to deal with right now, when all I really meant to discuss this morning was American Idol.I thoroughly enjoy watching American Idol. In the first few weeks of airing, when they show the customary audition process, I can always guarantee at least one PIMP moment. OMG! I just made that up myself just now! I was trying to think of the word Liz Lemon from 30 Rock used for laughing so hard you pee, pilfing or something, when I realized, just now, that the acronym for pee in my pants is PIMP! I'm a comedic genius! PIMP! (Start saying it, maybe it'll catch on!) OK, anyway, I always laugh so hard I "PIMP" when I see some of these contestants, and the lengths of desperation they subject themselves to just to satisfy their own need for masochistic treatment. I mean, are these people for real? Someone must have dared them, I think to myself...then I wonder how much I'd be willing to take if someone bet me to go on the show to embarrass myself. Probably not much, since, as you guys know, I make a habit of embarrassing myself everyday in some manner.
But, on to the main point. There have been all these blogs, now and throughout the season, talking about the outstandingly talented Adam Lambert, and how, albeit deserving, no one was sure he'd make it far in the show because some fan bases may find him off-putting. Ohhhh, he's so different. God forbid, in the country where we herald freedom to speak, to do, to be, someone display anything other than middle-of-the-road commonplace-ness. He wears "guyliner", and tight leather pants. " Yeah, he's talented but I don't know how far he'll get," they say.
Well, lo and behold, Adam was in the final two, competing against middle-of-the-road, commonplace Kris Allen for the title of American Idol. Kris won, Adam lost. And now, the internet is abuzz with everyone offering their 2-cent opinions on what happened - - and darn it, I refuse to be any different! You see, this is what I love (hate, really) about the media. They twist, and turn, and jumble up, and concoct all of these ideas that, I think, really just continues to generate scorn and contempt. How do I explain...I think there is power in words, and although it is the rule of journalism to be unbiased while reporting all sides of a topic, just by putting an idea out there can, subconsciously, propagate dying bigotries. They are trying to say that Adam could never have won because America will not support an American Idol so unconventional. That his "ambiguous" sexuality coupled with his overtly sexual presence was his doom. Are you kidding? OK, first of all, "ambiguous?!?!?!" I don't know a person alive who would question Adam's sexual orientation (just like everyone knew season 2 runner-up Clay Aiken was gay and would come out sooner or later...He was in my high school history class btw!), and they still supported him. They say that the American Idol vote resembled the vote for presidency, where the conservative states voted for Kris, and the liberal states for Adam. That the Hillary votes (ousted 2nd runner
p Danny 
Gokey) would be up for grabs. Would her supporters side with McCain or Obama (Allen or Lambert)? They suggest that the fan base Gokey, a church music director, acquired, got behind Allen, a southerner and worship leader, after he was eliminated, based on their similar religious backgrounds and stories. Have these people lost their minds?!?! As if there were some huge, covert operation amongst the religious sector of the American population (who would also have to happen to be American Idol fans and voters) that got together and promised that an "ambiguously" sexual man with awe-inspiring vocals and black nail polish will never win! What is wrong with the world?! Just like the media made a huge deal of Obama's Blackness: It could cost him the vote of the American public, oh my Lord, a Black man. Nevermind the fact that he's a Harvard educated, eloquent and convincing orator, and genuine politician (if that exists), no world, he's Black! And his wife is really Black because both of her parents are Black, not just half of them, like Obama's! And what happened? After all was said and done, and they reviewed the polls and percentages, it turns out that race was not even a factor in the majority of the people who voted - - not amongst women age 35-65, not amongst white men who were in World War II and stationed in Italy and currently earn over $75,000 a year, not amongst the naturally blond-haired population, age 27-42, who are also tap dancers, and certainly not amongst the silly, young population who think they have the power to change the world age group of 18-29.
If they want to compare American Idol to the U.S. presidential race, then let me say, just as the case was that race had nothing to do with Obama's win/loss, homosexuality has nothing to do with Adam's! When will the media stop underestimating the consciousness and humanity of the American population?! The majority doesn't give a damn that Adam is indisputably gay (see proof here...)
or that Obama is Black (see proof here...);

But when journalists publish these stories about the supposed disadvantages of each candidate, which happen to be unalterable birth traits, they put, what was possibly a docked trained, in motion again, planting the idea in everyone's head, that maybe these laughable, insignificant components should actually make a difference. I believe it to be irresponsible and ludicrous.
Not that there aren't some idiotic people who are, and prefer to be, living in another era, and base their opinions on such frivolity, but I truly don't think any of the aforementioned speculations are the reason Adam lost.
It just so happens that I know the truth.
I'll tell you why he lost, and it's such a simple, uncomplicated, all-American answer:
And America loves an underdog! Just as it's part of our nature, as Americans, to be independent and goal-oriented, and love Apple pie and vanilla ice cream, it is a pre-requisite for us to always vote for the underdog. It's rooted in our history, from athletics to politics (look out, I did my research for this one people!). Like when Jack Dempsey beat Jess Willard in 1919 for the heavyweight championship title, or when Truman won the presidential election in 1948, when the Rays beat the Phillies in the 2008 World Series, when the nation turned their back on nice guy Jason Mesnick for dumping Melissa on national television. And now, when Kris Allen defeated, the more talented, Adam Lambert. That's all it was. No need to go over-analyzing everything (I can't believed I just typed those words, for over-analyzing is my favorite pastime). People recognized Lambert's gift as a singer and performer, and knew that he would have a future laid out for him, even if he lost. Fans feared for Allen, your typical, shy, humble, boy-next-door, because, although talented in his own right, he might all but disappear in the overpowering and overwhelming shadow cast by Lambert. America only rewarded what we know is to be admired. Because of the responsibility of becoming the most powerful nation in the world, we live our lives much differently than our prior, humble beginnings as a country; Although we now revere a fast-paced, work hard, play hard lifestyle, we still recognize, and are happy to accept a glimpse of, what was once valued, and possible, in Allen: slow and steady wins the race, humility, diligence, and modesty.
World: Stop underestimating the hearts and minds of the American people. There have been many a time when a decision has been made that comes from a genuine intention. We are not as superficial as you think.Aloha Y'all Later!Photos downloaded from Flickr, from top to bottom: MTV"S Real World by cutesillybillie; Adam Lambert by LP<321; Adam Lambert and Kris Allen by popstarmagazine; Adam Lambert by LP<321; Barack Obama, II's Kenya Family by eqadams63; Kris Allen by Bork Chef
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