Saturday, April 18, 2009

My very first time...let's see how long this will last :) ...

So, here goes. The title is as such because I tend to get bored with things easily. I started a myspace page to keep in touch with the people I hadn't kept in touch with for 15 years (in that very sentence provides all the clues for one to guess how that's turned out!) It was so AMAZING, the BEST THING EVER! And then I got bored. So I tried facebook. Oh, this was waaay better. Easier to maneuver, I didn't have to try to compete with the 15 year old, technologically savvy, Gen Y-ers who had pimped out pages and half-thousand friends. I was doing really well for a while. I even started a group for my elementary class of '91. I have a following of 13. We reminisce about our days of innocence, and the cruelty we endured and imposed as pre-adolescents. Update: I haven't posted anything significant for almost 2 months.

So, we'll see how long this will last :) I'm excited about this new venture, like all of my new ventures, however, I'm hoping this will stick. I love to write, and I'm encouraged all the time to create some platform to express my sense of self-deprecating wit and run-on sentence charm. Especially by one friend in particular, Brittany. She's a pretty good writer herself, and I've been inspired by her to start this blogging thing. She has her own blog here on blogspot called She just got married at the top of a peak of the Sierra Nevada mountains...literally, the top. 11,000 ft above sea level to be exact. But, we'll talk more about her later; Since she's one of my greatest friends, and will surely be a major, positive influence over this here blog and its longevity, there'll be a lot of mention of her I'm supposing. So, thanks Brittany, in advance.

For now, I just want to introduce myself to you, for the 10 or so people I am going to initially invite (and re-invite, and remind to come read my thoughts), that happen to already know me pretty well, and for those of you who will hopefully, eventually, start your days with a cup of coffee, and me.

The domain name of my blog site, (I love that, "my" blog site) is to be read: Hola Aloha Y'all. In a nutshell, I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, am married to a Uruguayan and spend most of my time speaking Spanish, and live in the South. I thought that would make for a compelling mix of interesting points-of-view, experiences, and blog-like sharing.

So, let's get started. Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to allow me to share a little bit of my...well, me-ness!

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